vineri, 10 mai 2019

3C Therapy - Romanian Neuro-Psychomotor Optimizing Program - Autism

The 3C neuro motoric optimization program has a new approach not for the exercises used but due to the principles governing these exercises in order to reach the desired objective, namely psychomotor autonomy as a result of motoric thinking development.

  1. Rising the self-awareness level of one’s psychomotor potential (by reducing the deficit of self-awareness, the development, the structuring and the training of the motoric thinking processes).
  2. The structuring of motoric thinking processes (the development of adaptive motoric thinking and of the motoric intelligence – being adaptive by definition).
  3. The optimization of motoric planification capacity.
  4. The optimization of self confidence as a consequence of the awareness of one’s psychomotor potential and the voluntary use of this potential.
  5. Enhancing the motoric autonomy.

The psychomotor development is a paramount component of overall development that cannot be complete in its absence. It is a known fact that a psychomotor deficit often causes an accentuate emotional deficit and a low level of social integration. Upon childhood when play and movement are the most important instruments of interaction and socializing, a psychomotor deficit can cause a lot of frustration. By playing a child gathers, systematizes and develops sensor-motoric information, developing motoric thinking, the capacity of motoric thinking, discipline and intelligence. Without the good development of these, the child will not be able to relate to the game and will not be able to understand its rules.  
In regard to a child with autism (excepting the severe cases where there is aggressivity and self-aggressivity) the “social component” must be approached from the start of the 3C optimization process. Even though initially everything seams a big disorder and a nonsense, form the moment they start doing the work things change radically. The kids and their parents will see the other colleagues doing the same exercises. They will learn to wait their turn in order to perform the exercise (discipline and motoric intelligence) and will gradually achieve the group affiliation. All of these will be a part of the day to day life of the autistic child and after the 3C program they will have a more integrated social life   

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