1. Audienta pe blog-ul meu (in limba romana) a trecut de 31000. Este un blog urmarit pe tot mapamondul.
2. In luna noiembrie, sunt invitat la o gala despre autism unde participa mari staruri de la Hollywood si din autismul american. Acolo, daca ajung, urmeaza sa primesc un certificat de recunoastere din partea unor foarte importante asociatii din autismul american. E o sansa pe care nu a avut-o nici un specialist roman, pana acum si nu stiu daca foarte repede ar putea cineva repeta o asemena "isprava". Pentru aceasta actiune e nevoie de o strangere de fonduri, despre care am postat. Deocamdata, sustinerea este 0.
3. Cu noua zile inainte de inceperea ANCA Autism World Festival, din Canada, am primit o solicitare urgenta de a tine un workshop de doua zile la festivalul mentionat.
Si acum, sa spunem lucrurilor pe nume. Nici un specialist din autismul autohton nu s-a bucurat de o asemena atentie si la un asemena nivel, vreodata. Poate nu-s profet in tara mea, dar pare ca pasii duc spre alte orizonturi. :)
Mai jos voi posta extrase din scrisorile de invitatie la cele doua actiuni mentionate:
Leonora Gregory-Collura : We are so excited to see Paul-Constantin Cojocaru attend as acting #ANCAWorldAMBASSADOR representing #Romania to share his VERY EXCELLENT program on the world stage for the delegations attending to LEARN more about his practical, common sense and distinctive approach. Paul has put #Romania on the world stage and on the global map with his outstanding program. Romanians should be reminded that Paul-Constantin Cojocaru has contributed immensely by sharing the platform on the world stage he has garnered attention for whilst 'showcasing' #Romania his country and the country he represents! We are honored to support his work aounrd the world and to introduce his work to many more countries globally!!!
AWAF Official Invitation for Paul Cojocaru
2017 ANCA World Autism Festival – Vancouver BC Canada
Mr. Paul Cojocaru
Organizers of the ANCA® World Autism FestivalTM are pleased and honored to invite Paul Cojocaru to
attend and participate in the 2017 ANCA World Autism Festival being held September 29 - October 4,
2017 at the Best Western Plus Chateau Granville (1100 Granville St.) in Vancouver, BC Canada.
The ANCA® World Autism FestivalTM celebrates the talents and abilities of autistic people and the organizations that support them. Our event brings together award recipients and educators in the field of autism from many different countries. Event participants are provided opportunity to collaborate and share information and learning in the field of autism. This year our event includes nominees and recipients representing 32 countries. Over 300 people are expected to attend.
Mr. Cojocaru is an International Naturally Autistic People Award Recipient and ANCA World Ambassador. He is a Special Guest of the AWAF. We look forward to having Mr. Cojocaru attend our 2017 ANCA World Autism Festival in Vancouver BC Canada September 29 – October 4, 2017.
Contact Information:
Name: Paul Cojocaru
Hotel Stay in Vancouver: Best Western Plus Chateau Granville, 1100 Granville St. Vancouver.
The ANCA® World Autism FestivalTM celebrates the talents and abilities of autistic people and the organizations that support them. Our event brings together award recipients and educators in the field of autism from many different countries. Event participants are provided opportunity to collaborate and share information and learning in the field of autism. This year our event includes nominees and recipients representing 32 countries. Over 300 people are expected to attend.
Mr. Cojocaru is an International Naturally Autistic People Award Recipient and ANCA World Ambassador. He is a Special Guest of the AWAF. We look forward to having Mr. Cojocaru attend our 2017 ANCA World Autism Festival in Vancouver BC Canada September 29 – October 4, 2017.
Contact Information:
Name: Paul Cojocaru
Hotel Stay in Vancouver: Best Western Plus Chateau Granville, 1100 Granville St. Vancouver.