Din ce in ce mai mult, studiile demonstreaza ca AUTISMUL este o disfunctie a cailor de comunicare dintre cerebel si creierul mare. Imagistica vine in sprijinul acestor ipoteze si confirma lucruri intuite inca de acum 30 ani.
In aceasta "noua lumina" metodele de recuperare trebuiesc reactualizate si inventate unele noi, eficiente. Nu mai este permis sa pierdem timpul cu "incercari" terapeutice sau medicamentoase, ineficiente. Personal, ma bucur ca intuitia mea nu a fost gresita. Si ma mai bucur ca am gasit studii si cercetari deja efectuate in directia in care banuiam ca exista o disfunctie.
In aceasta "noua lumina" metodele de recuperare trebuiesc reactualizate si inventate unele noi, eficiente. Nu mai este permis sa pierdem timpul cu "incercari" terapeutice sau medicamentoase, ineficiente. Personal, ma bucur ca intuitia mea nu a fost gresita. Si ma mai bucur ca am gasit studii si cercetari deja efectuate in directia in care banuiam ca exista o disfunctie.
Sper ca toti cei implicati in autism, parinti si specialisti, sa distribuie informatia.
Daca cineva doreste sa traduca si sa publice acest studiu, pentru cei care nu cunosc engleza, ar ajuta foarte mult.
"Although the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is renowned to be a connectivity disorder and a condition characterized by cerebellar involvement, the connectivity between the cerebellum and other cortical brain regions is particularly underexamined. Indeed, con- verging evidence has recently suggested that the cerebellum could play a key role in the etiopathogenesis of ASD, since cerebellar anomalies have been consistently reported in ASD from the molecular to the behavioral level, and damage to the cerebellum early in development has been linked with signs of autistic features. In addition, current data have shown that the cerebellum is a key structure not only for sensory-motor control, but also for “higher functions,” such as social cognition and emotion, through its extensive connections with cortical areas. The disruption of these circuits could be implicated in the wide range of autistic symptoms that the term “spectrum” connotes. In this review, we present and discuss the recent findings from imaging studies that investigated cor- tico-cerebellar connectivity in people with ASD. The literature is still too limited to allow for definitive conclusions; however, this brief review reveals substantial areas for future studies, underlining currently unmet research perspectives."